For children who are 5 by Sept. 30

Transitional Kindergarten Program

For the young five-year-old student or for those children who may need an extra year to further develop academically, socially, or emotionally, our transitional classroom may be the perfect option. It can serve as the bridge to the more challenging aspects of a full day Kindergarten program. With the gift of an extra year, and plenty of individualized attention, children have the opportunity to become leaders in their classes and to become equipped with the skills necessary for success in Kindergarten.

The concept of Transitional Kindergarten has gained popularity because it is a great place to promote socialization, hands-on learning, and emergent literacy in both math and language arts.

Over the years, Kindergarten programs have become more challenging. State standards, parental expectations, and comprehensive reading and math curricula have changed the landscape for these young students. Sometimes, children have a difficult time making the jump from preschool to kindergarten. It can be hard to assimilate into a setting that is more structured and demanding, has a greater number of students, and allows limited personal attention.

Here at Bethlehem, our bridged Pre-K/Kindergarten curriculum is presented at a developmentally appropriate pace. This pace allows for more repetition, the extra time needed to digest material, and the opportunity to reinforce any concepts not immediately understood. As children are able to fully grasp ideas and skills, they experience increased self-confidence. Success -- early in the educational process -- leads to increased self-confidence, better peer relationships, and encourages each child to ask questions and express their voice.  

Language & Literacy
We use the Learning Without Tears Curriculum to help children identify and form letters using a multisensory approach. They gain phonetic awareness by learning the sounds of short vowels and consonants. Children in this group will be able to follow simple, multi-step directions, retell stories, and verbalize what they know. Some will begin recognizing sight words and reading. They will sharpen these skills utilizing a variety of genres and author studies.

Math, Science, & Creative Arts
Problem solving skills and natural curiosity are nurtured at Bethlehem. Math skills such as patterning, combining, and counting are all introduced through hands-on learning. Children are natural scientists. They explore the world around them, using their senses to observe, investigate, and experiment. At this age, children learn about artists and illustrators and develop their creativity through crafts and process art. In addition, children participate in weekly music classes and partake in schoolwide performances.

Physical Development
Active children become active adults! They hone skills like running, jumping, hopping, leaping, and other coordinated movement through dance and the use of specialized equipment during weekly PE classes in our full-sized gymnasium. The children run and play outdoors in our playground multiple times each day when weather permits. Fine motor skills continue to be developed at this age by cutting, gluing, drawing, writing their name and forming letters and numbers.

Social/Emotional & Spiritual
Our students gain self-confidence and a love of learning in everything that they do at BELC. Children learn Bible stories and simple prayers during their weekly Chapel visits and story time in class. At this age, they learn how to enjoy activities led by others as well as taking initiative with their own tasks and play situations. They begin to demonstrate independent learning and the ability to care for themselves and gain awareness for the needs of others.

Curious Kids Enrichment
Our afternoon enrichment program from 1-2pm offers an exciting opportunity for children to extend their school day in anticipation of full day kindergarten. Registration for this is separate from regular school enrollment. This wonderful program is automatically included with 9-3:15 enrollment. See program details here.

2025-26 TK Tuition Rates and Policies


155 Linwood Avenue
Ridgewood 07450

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